Speck/The Idaho 4

Some things in common ...

Idaho 4 - Many have wondered how a single man could have overcome four healthy, vibrant college students without any noise being heard.

  • Speck - Many have wondered how one single man could have overcome and tied up eight healthy, vibrant student nurses without any noise being heard.

  • Idaho 4 - There were two surviving witnesses who were in a separate bedroom.

  • Speck - There was one surviving witness who hid under a bed and vividly recalled everything that happened. She was the State's star witness.

  • Idaho 4 - The murders took place on the thirteenth day of November in a year ending in 22.

  • Speck - The murders took place on the thirteenth day of July in a year ending in 66.

  • Idaho 4 - A Door Dash food delivery was made to the townhouse around 4:00 AM just before the murders took place.

  • Speck - A pizza delivery was made to a nearby townhouse around 12:45 AM. The driver was confused about the address and almost knocked on the door of the house where the murders were in progress. He stated that the second floor of the townhouse, site of the murders, was dark at that time, and he heard nothing going on inside.

  • Idaho 4 - Entry was made through an unlocked sliding glass door.

  • Speck - Entry was made through an unlocked back door.

  • Idaho 4 - Law enforcement was not forthcoming about many aspects of the case.

  • Speck - Law enforcement issued a great deal of disinformation about the case.


Crime Chart of the Maui Fires


Rebecca Schaeffer